We discover the magic of stage and venue design
Event Design Training

It is the only such training in Poland, which shows scenes of creating the scenery events. Coaching trio, three different perspectives; designer, director, producer.

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Social media and new technologies in events
digital event training

The combination of the virtual world and new technologies allows you to create the effect of “wow”. You discover the opportunities that so far seen only in science-fiction movies.

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Event organization without secrets
event management training phase I

Training for people starting their adventure events and for people who want to systemize their knowledge.

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how to organize a good event and not lose your head
event management training phase II

The course is designed for people who have basic event management knowledge.

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Upcoming training

Nina Żukowska
Nina Żukowska

If you deal with event organisation and have the basic knowledge in this area, if you work for an agency, corporation, event facility or a company that provides services for the event industry, or if you’re an event enthusiast and would like to know how to organise events professionally – choose this training.

Nina Żukowska
Nina Żukowska

If you’re interested in the colourful world of events and plan to develop your skills in this area, or if you’re an event enthusiast, yet you lack the experience in event organisation and you’d like to learn how does the event market operate and how to navigate it, this training is just the right one for you.

Nina Żukowska
Nina Żukowska

If you’re interested in the colourful world of events and plan to develop your skills in this area, or if you’re an event enthusiast, yet you lack the experience in event organisation and you’d like to learn how does the event market operate and how to navigate it, this training is just the right one for you.

Nina Żukowska
Nina Żukowska

If you’re interested in the colourful world of events and plan to develop your skills in this area, or if you’re an event enthusiast, yet you lack the experience in event organisation and you’d like to learn how does the event market operate and how to navigate it, this training is just the right one for you.

Nina Żukowska
Nina Żukowska

If you’re interested in the colourful world of events and plan to develop your skills in this area, or if you’re an event enthusiast, yet you lack the experience in event organisation and you’d like to learn how does the event market operate and how to navigate it, this training is just the right one for you.

Nina Żukowska
Nina Żukowska

If you’re interested in the colourful world of events and plan to develop your skills in this area, or if you’re an event enthusiast, yet you lack the experience in event organisation and you’d like to learn how does the event market operate and how to navigate it, this training is just the right one for you.

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Do you want more sales? / man open shirt

8 zasad skutecznej sprzedaży eventów

Współczesny rynek usług marketingowych jest już mocno nasycony. Usługodawcy prześcigają się w sposobach dotarcia do Klienta oraz reklamowania swoich usług.…

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painter in her studio

EVENT to nie sztuka dla sztuki

Często spotykam się ze stwierdzeniem, że organizacja eventów to fajna praca – ciągłe zmiany, mnóstwo ciekawych ludzi, adrenalina oraz dobra…

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Handwritten Time for Knowledge on a Chalkboard. Composition with Chalkboard and Stack of Books, Alarm Clock and Rolls of Paper on Blurred Background. Toned Image.

Mity w szkoleniach eventowych

Branża eventowa to przede wszystkim praktyka. Zdobywanie wiedzy na szkoleniach, czy z książek to strata czasu. Teoria nie zagwarantuje Ci…

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Forum Branży Eventowej już 11 stycznia 2018

Kolejna edycja FBE poświęcona jest planowaniu, budżetowaniu, komunikacji i promocji eventów, a także ich targetowaniu. Pojawi się również tematyka związana…

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Podsumowanie Okrągłego Stołu Klubu Agencji Eventowych

Podsumowanie Okrągłego Stołu Klubu Agencji Eventowych

Dumping, kryteria wyboru ofert, opłaty za udział w przetargach, wady i korzyści umów ramowych  – to tematy Okrągłego Stołu zorganizowanego…

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Zrzut ekranu 2017-11-27 o 21.18.31

Powstała Biała Księga Branży Komunikacji Marketingowej

    24 listopada w Studio Bank w Warszawie, w obecności wszystkich ekspertów  reprezentujących zakupy, marketing i agencje,  została podpisana…

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Testa dla Volvo_1_fot.Marcin Krokowski

Premiera VOLVO XC40 z Testa Communications

9 października br. odbyła się polska premiera nowego Volvo XC40. Organizatorem eventu i road show nowego modelu marki była agencja…

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Nasi partnerzy
Our trainers
Zbyszek Olkiewicz

Since 1992 he has been co-creating together with Dariusz Błaszczyk Fabryka Cókierków group, which operates in the area of advertisement and art. He has executed over 150 commercial events and…

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Zbyszek Olkiewicz
Marcin Kita

The co-founder of COCO event&design scenic design company and the partner in TOSCA event furniture rental, in which he is responsible for supervision and coordination of scenic designs. His cooperation…

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Marcin Kita
Ela Kita

  She deals with design in a broad sense, from details to total. Since 2003, she has been the co-founder of COCO event&design scenic design company, in which she is…

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Ela Kita
Nina Żukowska

The founder of The World of Events, an enthusiast of event marketing communication and event organisation practices. For nearly a decade, she has been involved in the event industry, which…

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Nina Żukowska

  •  Kopalniana Street 22B/21
    01-321 Warsaw
  •  phone +48 502 126 386
  •  biuro@swiateventow.com